How To Hack Your Old Webkinz Account

This is an awesome site! Apart from a bit of meanish comments on KinzChat Plus (Which I have learned to ignore and not type in 'cry cry cry') and your pets getting sick, it is a great site.

I like it when you win trophies for completing a game. The only trophy I've won is form Eager Beaver Adventure Park, and I think I won it due to a glitch, but so far no other things aren't positive. The site isn't directed for 6 yrs and under because a new site called Webkinz Jr. By the same company is directed at ages 3-6. But Webkinz is more fun. However, the only frustating thing is that if you send them a suggestion, it almost NEVER happens.

Mar 01, 2015  How to get a hacked webkinz account back no secret code required Brynn Feldman. REACTING TO MY OLD WEBKINZ! How to get all your old accounts back on musically - Duration.

I suggested a 'Type in questions or comments' place, used with the restricted dictionary of KinzChat Plus, but did anything ever happen? I think KinzChat Plus is cool and I especially like the trading room. There you can trade for very rare items. The trading room is where I got the extremely rare whte bunny ears, in a category known as priceless. People call it priceless to identify it as 'Very rare'. But un-rare exclusives are also called 'priceless' by the webkinz website, causing a bit of a mix-up. There is a lot I can say about this website!

They have made lots of games and fun stuff to do on this website! But usually that makes it take a LONG time t lode! Also, many strangers just have the BEST time hacking little kids accounts. Also, the plush animals are very easy to break, so if you have a dog that likes to chew things up DO NOT get one and put it some where they can see it. Most of the games are not really all that fun.

Its very dangorous and last but not least its slow! My school wich containe excatly 850 kids all think that webkinz is a big rip off.

Welcome to the Webkinz Insider Forum forums. You are currently viewing our boards as a guest which gives limits your access to many of our other features. By joining our FREE community you will have access to post topics, communicate privately with other members (PM), removal of some (including the 'in-text') ads, respond to polls, upload content and access many other special features, such as trading, and entering contests! Registration is fast, simple and absolutely free so please,!

If you have any problems with the registration process or your account login, please. Its happened at least 4 times now, and im sure its the same person. A week ago i couldnt get into my account but i thought it was a glitch so i changed my password and nothing on my account was changed. The second time was different. I had 10x more kinzcash than i did, i had 4 items in my dock intead of 156, and i was playing on Dixie instead of Nibbles. They keep finding my password and i dont know what to do.and now half of my stuff is gone, and since i have 120 webkinz thats alot of stuff.

Please someone help, i dont wqant to close my account because i know i cant get my webkinz back. (i really am crying IRL) Sponsored Links.

There's a minimum amount of stuff a hacker can take every day. You can only Kinzpost one package a day, and isn't there a once-a-day trade limit, too? I don't trade, so I don't know about that. Download prison break season 3 episode 13 torrent. If a hacker has a pet code, then there's not much hope.

They will always have access to that account. Can you open a second account? It might be worth it to buy a lil-kinz and start moving your valuables to the other account. We were hacked once, and it is not a pleasant experience. We were able to change out password. Someone on our friends list was the hacker, so we deleted everyone and started again.

Mom of IttyGirl2. If someone keeps hacking you, and no one has your secret codes/is on your KinzPhone, you can contact Ganz. They may be able to A) Check to see who the items were sent to or B) Change your Username [yes, they have done this before]. Just make sure it's your mom/dad that calls, since you need to be 18 or older. Sorry to hear this is happening Just make sure to completely clear your Phone out, even if it is your friends, because you can't be sure, sadly You may want to hide your items as well ~Crazy.